Faster Running

Running Calculator

Our running calculator allows you to enter a race time, and then uses that to determine equivalent times for other races distances, as well as appropriate training paces.  The calculator assumes you are equally talented and trained for each distance, so it works best when planning for races of similar distances.  But you can also use it to compare runners who do very different events.

Wondering where the old calculator went?  The decision was made to replace it with an all new calculator based on the newest data available.  The calculator has been a work in progress for 20 years now, and is expected to continue to evolve and improve.



Calculator Instructions

For best results, start with a recent race time.  Using an old race time tells you what you could have run for other distances at the time of the race, but not necessarily what you could run now.  


Training Paces:

Recovery - Very easy running, done whenever you are tired or sore, like the day after a race or hard workout.


Easy - Normal easy running.  This should be a comfortable pace where you could easily carry on a conversation.


Tempo (LT) - Lactate threshold or anaerobic threshold pace.  This is the pace for a hard, but not all-out, run of around 20 minutes (possibly longer for an elite runner).  Longer or shorter tempo runs may be quicker or slower.


VO2 Max - The pace at which are are using the maximum amount of oxygen you can take in.  This pace can generally only be sustained for about 10 minutes continuously.  This is a typical interval pace for distance runners.


Speed - A suggested pace for short, fast intervals for a runner typically racing 5K and longer.  Used for developing speed and running efficiency.


Long Run -  This is typical paces for runs significantly longer than your normal training runs.  Typically used for marathon training.


Marathon - The pace for your predicted marathon time.  If you are training for a marathon, doing some training at this pace is recommended.